Thursday, December 22, 2011

Where do I start?

 I am writing this blog, because I am fed up with the Liberal Democrats and down right 'Crooks' in power that are ruining our country.  I am not a writer as you will be able to see by the way that I write. 

I have been thinking about writing this blog for the last three years.  Today, after hearing that Obama is pulling the national guard from our border, was my breaking point.  I had to start this blog to get let my feelings be known.

Now for my rant:
I gave Obama a chance and I'm so very disappointed.  He has lied.  He has cheated.  He has tried to silence anyone and everyone who disagrees with him or his liberal friends.  He smugly smiles with a condescending chuckle.   This is still a free country and if the liberal press were honest in news telling, most democrats would be kicked out of office.  
When Obama was running for office, I was glad to see that an African American, was in the race.  But the more I read about him, ie: William (Bill) Ayers, George Soros, Socialism, Rev. William Wright etc.,  the more fearful I became of him and what he believed in.  

When I heard Michelle Obama speak for the first time, I knew that the sinking feeling in my gut, was only the beginning of the end of our country and our freedoms.  Michelle Obama's ever lasting remarks  'For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country....', should have been a huge red flag to every American.  

 Michelle Obama was never a 'Proud American' throughout her adult life and found someone, Barack Hussein Obama, who shared her views about America. Now look at the mess our country is in and it's all falling into place as far as Obama is concerned.

This first thing Obama did in office was to seal his college papers.  Why would anyone do that?  Was it because those papers held his true feelings regarding the way he felt about the country?  I would like that question answered.  I want to know his background and every American should demand to see what he is hiding.  How does he really feel about country?  His actions are screaming loud and clear and the media, the liberal media, are doing their very best to hide his true agenda.
  If we don't wake up and get Obama out of the drivers seat, the American citizens who love this country and everything it stands for, will all watch our country crash and burn.  
  Here is a starter list of things that are on my mind and are in no particular order:
  Illegal Aliens 
    Obama doesn't want to stop the drug smugglers, rapist, terrorists, murders, etc. from coming into the U.S. because it's part of his bigger plan.  What is his bigger plan?  I will share my thoughts later when I have more time.  Just remember, bottom up - top down.  There will be no middle class.  There will only be upper and lower.  Cash for Clunkers wasn't a way to get gas guzzlers off of the road, it was a way for Obama to get rid of the middle class.  When people lost everything from the housing crash and started climbing the latter again, there were no used reliable cars available to drive themselves to and from work.  Just another part of Obama's bigger plan.
  Housing Bubble
  Who was in charge of the governments banking, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee?  Barney Frank.  But I don't think he acted alone.  How could he?  How could one person have so much control get away the crime that he did?   Chris Dodd made out like a bandit.   I'm not sure of the extent of the culpability that Chris Dodd had, but I need to find out.  Together they came up with the 'frank-dodd' act to protect people and investments from exactly the same CRIMINAL acts that Barney Frank did to this country and the millions of people in it.  Why isn't Barney Frank in jail?  Will he ever be?  Why is he being protected?  Why do the innocent pot smokers (which I'm not), pay fines and spend whatever little money they have in court costs, and go to jail, but Barney Frank robbed our country blind, caused millions to lose everything they had and he still had was able to keep his job?  Do you think your boss would have fired you and pressed criminal charges against you if you did something like this to your boss?  
  Now, Barney Frank is retiring.  Retiring, my ass.  He's getting out because it is no longer profitable to him.  He's being watched like a hawk and he can't get away with pillaging our country anymore like he's use to.  
  I pray that this man is brought before the court system and sent away for a long, long time for the financial ruin that he has caused this country because he did not do his job.  How the hell do these people sleep at night?
  Now who's in charge: Spencer Bachus, chairman of the Financial Services Committee.  In my opinion, he is no better then Barney Frank.  I found an interesting article on Spencer Bachus.  Everyone needs to read this.    I hope you can follow the link.  I read this story, not knowing who this man was, but seeing his face in the article I thought, this man looks really familiar.  I was sick to my stomach to learn he was the same man who now, is the chairman of our banking committee.  I can not believe this man is not in jail.  Don't forget about all the insider trading that he and his cohort's got away with.
  So lets see, Spencer Bachus 
  1) financially ruined Jefferson County 
  2) Used his position to get rich with insider trading
And what does Spencer Bachus and Barney Frank have in common?  They are both crooks.  One ruined our country and the other should be in jail for ruining Jefferson County and for all the insider trading. 
   I have lot's more to say, but no more time right now.  But, I will be back.  I needed to get this off my chest before I emploded.  Thanks!